Hotels Tremiti IslandsHotel tremiti Islands - The Gargano Peninsula and the Tremiti Islands hotels with hotel reviews, photos and hotel ratings from Real Travelers like you. Price compare hotels in The Gargano Peninsula and the Tremiti Islands across multiple sites and find great deals. Hotels, guest houses, holiday villages, restaurants, camping sites and shops Tremiti Islands
Tourist information Anyone choosing to visit the Tremiti Islands will find modern hotels, guest houses, holiday villages, restaurants, camping sites and shops of all kinds as well as good tourist and sports amenities: sailing, swimming, underwater fishing and windsurf schools. Free camping is not allowed and official camping is only permitted at the Punta Diamante on San Domino. Bookings must be made well in advance both for camping sites and hotels as in spring they are usually already fully booked for the months of July and August. Gargano (0)